A Criminal Defense Lawyer You Can Trust - Serving the Houston Area and Fort Bend County
In the state of Texas, felonies are types of charges that result in more severe punishments than misdemeanors. Convicted persons may be sentenced to serve time in state prison or state jail.
No matter which offense you have been charged with, you can benefit from my legal guidance as your Katy criminal defense attorney. With more than 15 years of experience, I understand the needs of my clients, and you can have confidence in my representation, no matter how complex your case may seem.
Murder is a crime that can result in a
capital felony charge. If you are convicted of a capital felony in Texas, you can be punished with death or a life sentence without parole. First-degree felonies can result in life imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000. An example of this type of charge is
sexual assault against a child.
Second-degree felonies are punishable with between 2 and 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000. Aggravated assault and bribery are two offenses that can result in second-degree felony charges. Third-degree felonies can be punished with 2 to 10 years of imprisonment and a maximum fine of $10,000. Possession of 5 to 50 pounds of marijuana is an example of this level of felony. State jail felonies can be punished by up to 2 years in state jail with a fine of up to $10,000.
Additional regulations exist for individuals who are pursuing
expungements, which I can discuss with you during a free and in-person case evaluation. As your Katy criminal defense lawyer, I can fight for your rights and help you obtain an expungement if possible.
No matter what type of felony charge you are facing, I can provide you with the assistance necessary to pursue a successful result. As a former district attorney, I understand how the other side operates and can build a strong defense accordingly. Your case can benefit from the vast trial experience that I offer.